The City in Darkness

Shrouded in perpetual darkness, the City in Darkness floats impossibly within a void of absolute nothingness. The flickering glow of thousands of lanterns and torches casts an eerie light upon a colossal rock, suspended in the vast expanse of space. Perched atop this rock are tightly clustered buildings, reaching ever skyward toward an empty, starless sky.

This blog endeavors to chronicle the mysteries of this enigmatic city and hopefully, in the process, improve my writing skills.

New Blog, New tools

Just a quick one to say that I’ve updated the blog to a brand new look, powered by hugo and magick.css.

Part of this involves getting rid of comments, if you’d like to chat about any of the content on here, or about the gaming tools on the City in Darkness in general, then jump into the City in Darkness Discord.

What’s next? I really should get some more writing done, but I’m also working on a Vampire: The Masquerade(V5) character sheet and accompianing dice roller and Storyteller screen.

If you’re interested in testing out the sheet, or a Hunter: The Reckoning version, then drop into the Discord and ask for access!

More Reading

These are my most recent posts: